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Curtina Simmons
…your mind of prominent churches? CS: OK. I can give you a litany of churches. We can start on one end, they, and all of them were very, very, active. So I don’t want to- I, I want to name some, and I don’t want to leave- but I will…
Arthur Stinson
…at that corner. We had Dr. McCrorey had owned, ran Queen City Pharmacy for all of our drug needs, if we need to have a prescription filled; predominately black. We had McKissick’s Shoe Shop, the owner of that. We had El Chico, one and two. We had one on Second…
Christine Bowser
…how, how did you guys interact with the other churches in the area? CB: Oh, well, we had, when they had what they call their- what did they call it? Their- loss for words- their, when they would have different ministers to come into the church- revivals, what I was…
Charles Clyburn
…to be a place on Oakmont Avenue called [pause] Henry’s Ice Cream Parlor. Alittle small place, and when we came on this side of town, the other side of town, there always wasthe Queen City Pharmacy. Queen City Pharmacy, that’s where we would all hang out, gettogether, gather there, have…
Dolores Giles & Mary Poe
…Belk it was like a grill too. Here down to the back. It was a long grill that you could go up there and sit down and order sandwiches. And sit at- what I call it the bar- the counter, and sit down and eat. But downstairs it was just…