Bibliography for Brooklyn and Urban Renewal
This is a bibliography for people interested in finding sources on both Brooklyn and urban renewal. Information specific to Brooklyn has an asterisk. Many of these sources are available at Atkin’s Library at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, and the Robinson-Spangler Carolina Room at the Charlotte Mecklenburg Country Library. John C. Smith has digitized the James Gibson Peeler collection, which contains many old photos of Charlotte, including the Brooklyn neighborhood. All of these repositories have a number of local newspaper holdings as well.
Primary Sources
Bishir, Catherine W. North Carolina Architecture (1990)
Bishir, Catherine, et. al. Architects and Builders in North Carolina: A History of the Practice of Building (1990)
Charlotte (N.C.). Committee for the Master Plan. Greater Charlotte Central Area Plan (1966)
*Digital Sanborn Maps 1867-1970. North Carolina (2001)
*Love, Rose Leary. Plum Thickets & Field Daisies: A Memoir (1996)
*Randolph, Elizabeth S. An African American Album: The Black Experience in Charlotte and Mecklenburg County (1992)
Secondary Sources
Abbott, Carl. The New Urban America: Metropolitan Growth and Politics in Sunbelt Cities (1981)
Ahlbrandt, Roger S. A New Public Policy for Neighborhood Preservation (1979)
Alexander, J.B. The History of Mecklenburg County from 1740 to 1900 (1902)
Alexander, Julia. Charlotte in Picture and Prose (1906)
Atkinson, Rowland and Gary Bridge, eds. Gentrification in a Global Context: The New Urban Colonialism (2005)
Babcock, Richard F. Billboards, Glass Houses, and the Law, and other Land use Fables (1977)
Baron, Harold M., ed. The Racial Aspects of Urban Planning: Critique on the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Chicago, with Commentaries (1968)
Bender, Thomas. Community and Social Change in America (1978)
Blackwelder, Ruth. Old Charlotte and old Mecklenburg today (1973)
Blythe, LeGette and Charles Raven Brockmann. Hornets’ Nest: the Story of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County (1961)
*Burke, DeGrandval, ed. The Brooklyn Story (1978)
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Commission. The Next Twenty Years: A General Plan for the Development of the Charlotte Metropolitan Area. (1960)
Clay, Phillip L. Neighborhood Renewal: Middle-Class Resettlement and Incumbent Upgrading in American Neighborhoods (1979)
*Coffin, Alex. Brookshire & Belk, Businessmen in City Hall (1994)
*Ely, Vermelle Diamond, Grace Hoey Drain, and Amy Rogers Charlotte, North Carolina. (2001)
Ervin, David E. Land Use Control: Evaluating Economic and Political Effects (1977)
Fainstein, Susan S. & Norman I. The View from Below: Urban Politics and Social Policy (1972)
Frug, Gerald E. City Making: Building Communities without Building Walls (1999)
Fullilove, Mindy Thompson. Root Shock: How Tearing up City Neighborhoods Hurts America, and What We Can do About it (2004)
Gale, Dennis E. Neighborhood Revitalization and the Postindustrial City: A Multinational Perspective (1984)
Gans, Herbert J. The Urban Villagers: Group and Class in the Life of Italian-Americans (1962)
Gelfand, Mark I. A Nation of Cities: The Federal Government and Urban America, 1933-1965 (1975)
Gibson, Michael S. and Michael J. Langstaff. An Introduction to Urban Renewal (1982)
Goldfield, David. Cotton Field and Skyscrapers: Southern City and Region, 1607-1980 (1982)
Goodhew, David. Respectability and Resistance: a History of Sophiatown (2004)
Greenberg, Edward. Neighborhood Self-help Development. (1979)
*Hanchett, Thomas. Sorting Out the New South City: Race, Class, and Urban Development in Charlotte, 1875-1975 (1998)
Hirsch, Arnold. Making the Second Ghetto: Race and Housing in Chicago, 1940-1960 (1983)
*Jarrell, Greg, Our Trespasses: White Churches and the Taking of America. (2024)
Lang, Michael H. Gentrification amid Urban Decline: Strategies for America’s Older Cities (1982)
Lassar, Terry J. Carrots & Sticks: New Zoning Downtown. (1989)
*Lassiter, Matthew D. The Silent Majority: Suburban Politics in the Sunbelt South (2006)
Ley, David. The New Middle Class and the Remaking of the Central City. (1996)
Mattera, Don. Gone with the Twilight: A Story of Sophiatown (1987)
*Mayhew, Anna Jean. Tomorrow’s Bread (2019)
Nelson, Kathryn P. Gentrification and Distressed Cities: An Assessment of Trends in Intrametropolitan Migration (1988)
Nyden, Philip W., and Wim Wiewel. Challenging Uneven Development: An Urban Agenda for the 1990s. (1991)
Peterson, Craig A. Handling Zoning and Land Use Litigation: A Practical Guide (1982)
Radcliffe, John. An Introduction to Town and Country Planning (1981)
*Rogers, John R. and Amy T. Rogers. Charlotte: Its Historic Neighborhoods (1996)
Schretter, Howard A. Zoning the Countryside: What’s Wrong with it and an Alternative Approach. (1977)
Shipnuck, Leslie, Dennis Keating, and Mary Morgan. The People’s Guide to Urban Renewal and Community Development Programs: A Community Defense Manual (1974)
Silver, Christopher. Twentieth-Century Richmond: Planning, Politics, and Race (1984)
Smith, Neil and Peter Williams, eds. Gentrification of the City (1986)
Smith, Peter Frederick. The Dynamics of Urbanism. (1974)
Thomas, June Manning, and Marsha Ritzdorf, eds. Urban Planning and the African American Community: In the Shadows (1997)
U.S. Department of Agriculture. What Works!: In the Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities (1997?-)
*Watters, Pat “Special Report by the Southern Regional Council on Charlotte” (1964)
Williams Jr., Norman; Taylor, John M. American Land Planning Law: Land Use and the Police Power (2003)
Journal Articles
Atkinson R. “Introduction: Misunderstood Saviour or Vengeful Wrecker? The Many Meanings and Problems of Gentrification” (November 2003) Urban Studies, Vol. 40, No. 12.
Atkinson R. “The Evidence on the Impact of Gentrification: New Lessons for the Urban Renaissance?” (April, 2004) European Journal of Housing Policy, Vol. 4, No. 1.
Bayer, Ron. “Urban Renewal, Public Housing, and the Racial Shaping of Atlanta” (1989) Journal of Policy Housing, Vol. 4, No. 4.
Beck, John J. “Building the New South: A Revolution from Above in a Piedmont County” (August 1987) Journal of Southern History, Vol. 53, No. 3.
Blassingame, John. “Before the Ghetto: The Making of the Black Community in Savannah Georgia, 1865-1880” (1973) Journal of Social History, Vol. 6.
Bostic R.W. and Martin R.W. “Black Home-owners as a Gentrifying Force? Neighbourhood Dynamics in the Context of Minority Home-ownership” (November 2003) Urban Studies, Vol. 40, No. 12.
Bridge, Gary. “The Space for Class? On Class Analysis in the Study of Gentrification” (1995) Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Vol. 20, No. 2.
Brown-Saracino J. “Social Preservationists and the Quest for Authentic Community” (June 2004) City & Community, Vol. 3, No. 2.
Cameron, Stuart and Coaffee, Jon. “Art, Gentrification and Regeneration – From Artist as Pioneer to Public Arts” (April 2005) European Journal of Housing Policy, Vol. 5, No. 1.
Coulson E. and Leichenko R. “Historic Preservation and Neighbourhood Change” (July 2004) Urban Studies, Vol. 41, No. 8.
Fraser, James C. “Beyond Gentrification: Mobilizing Communities and Claiming Space” (July-August 2004) Urban Geography, Vol. 25, No. 5.
Gotham, Kevin. “Tourism Gentrification: The Case of New Orleans’ Vieux Carre (French Quarter)” (June 2005) Urban Studies, Vol. 42, No. 7.
Hamnett, Chris. “The Blind Men and the Elephant: The Explanation of Gentrification.” (1991) Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Vol. 16, No. 2.
Karsten L. “Family Gentrifiers: Challenging the City as a Place Simultaneously to Build a Career and to Raise Children” (November 2003) Urban Studies, Vol. 40, No. 12.
Larsen, Kristin. “New Urbanism’s Role in Inner-city Neighborhood Revitalization” (September 2005) Housing Studies, Vol. 20, No. 5.
Ley, David. “Alternative Explanations for Inner-City Gentrification: A Canadian Assessment” (Dec., 1986) Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. 76, No. 4.
Mocombe, Paul. “The Gentrification of Africa in the Contemporary Capitalist World-System: Reply to Kelsall and Gberie” (September 2006) Globalizations, Vol. 3, No. 3.
Patch, Jason. “The Embedded Landscape of Gentrification” (October 2004) Visual Studies, Vol. 19, No. 2.
Phillips, Martin. “Other Geographies of Gentrification” (February 2004) Progress in Human Geography, Vol. 28, No. 1.
Redfern P.A. “What Makes Gentrification ‘Gentrification’?” (November 2003) Urban Studies, Vol. 40, No. 12.
Rofe, Matthew W. “From ‘Problem City’ to ‘Promise City’: Gentrification and the Revitalization of Newcastle” (July 2004) Australian Geographical Studies, Vol. 42, No. 2.
Rofe M.W. “’I Want to be Global’: Theorising the Gentrifying Class as an Emergent E´lite Global Community” (November 2003) Urban Studies, Vol. 40, No. 12.
Slater, Tom. “The Eviction of Critical Perspectives from Gentrification Research.” (December 2006) International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol. 30, No. 4.
Smith, Neil. “Gentrification and the Rent Gap” (Sep., 1987) Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. 77, No. 3.
Zukin, Sharon. “Gentrification: Culture and Capital in the Urban Core” (1987) Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 13)
*Hanchett, Thomas. Sorting Out The New South City: Charlotte And Its Neighborhoods (1993)
*Richards, Elise C. “Residential Segregation in Charlotte, NC. Federal Policies, Urban Renewal, and the Role of the North Carolina Fund” (2002)
Government Documents
Anderson, Robert M. “American Law of Zoning, vol 1-4” (1976)
Berry, Brian J.L. “Small Business in Urban Revitalization” (1979)
Beuscher, Jacob H.; Wright, Robert R. “Cases and Materials on Land Use” (1969)
Bullard, Jack L. Community Conditions in Charlotte, 1970: A Study of Ten Cities Using Urban Indicators with a Supplement on Racial Disparity (1974)
Charlotte Housing Authority. “Public Housing in Charlotte: Better Homes for Better Citizens and a Better City: Report of the Housing Authority of the City of Charlotte” (1944)
*Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Commission. “Mecklenburg County Zoning Ordinance, Adopted by the Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners, October 7, 1991, effective January, 1992” (1992)
*Charlotte, N.C. Model Neighborhood Commission. “Second Action Year Proposal, the Charlotte Plan: Toward the Mainstream” (1970)
Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County (NCR 711.4/ Charlotte, N.C.: The Commission)
*City Demonstration Agency. “Charlotte, North Carolina, Model Cities Third Action Year, Comprehensive Demonstration Plan” (1971)
Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. “Neighborhood Self-Help Development Act of 1978” (1979)
Etter, Orval. “Combining Public Regulation and Public Compensation to Guide Urban Growth” (1972)
Hagman, Donald G. “1976 Supplement to Public Planning and Control of Urban and Land Development: Cases and Materials” (1976)
*Odell. “Transitions: A Community Revitalization Proposal a Master Plan” (1995)
Shoup, Donald C. “The Optimal Timing of Urban Land Development” (1971)
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Banking and Currency. Subcommittee on Housing. “Demonstration Cities, Housing and Urban Development, and Urban Mass Transit. Hearings, Eighty-Ninth Congress, Second Session” (1966)
United States. Urban Renewal Administration. “Urban Renewal Manual: Policies and Requirements for Local Public Agencies” (various dates)
Local Documents
*Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Commission. “Response to Charlotte-Mecklenburg zoning ordinance: public hearing document” (1990)
*Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Commission. “The Next Twenty Years: A General Plan for the Development of the Charlotte Metropolitan Area.” (1960)
*D.J. Miller & Associates. “City of Charlotte MWBE Disparity Study” (1993)
*LandDesign, Inc. “Second Ward Neighborhood Master Plan: Charlotte, North Carolina” (2002)
“Planning for Our Future: 2015 Plan” (1997)
“Plaza-Central business district area plan / prepared for the Plaza-Central Development Group and Neighborhood Housing Services;” prepared by AEC, P.A., Inc.
*Third Ward Neighborhood Association, The Committee to Restore and Preserve Third Ward, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Commission. “A Third Ward Future: a Land Use & Urban Design Plan for an Uptown Charlotte Neighborhood: Draft.” (1997)
*“Uptown Mixed Use District Ordinance and Urban Design Guidelines” (1987)
O’Brien, Charles F. A Selected Bibliography Relating to the Legal and Financial Aspects of Urban Redevelopment. College of Law Library, Ohio State University (1951)
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. “Neighborhood Conservation and Property Rehabilitation: A Selective Bibliography” (1979)
*”’A Colored School’[videorecording]: A Story of Second Ward High School and the Legacy of Black Schools in the South”(2002)
* “Brooklyn in the 1950s” CMS Story
6.1/main_page/main_page.htm">* “The Brooklyn to Biddleville” website of 2007 UNCC Graduate students
UNCC Atkins Library: History of the Brooklyn Community
*The African American Album [interactive multimedia]: the Black Experience in Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, vol. 2. (1998)
*Morphin, Julliette. Brooklyn: Second Ward, Charlotte NC
Archival Manuscripts in North Carolina
Charlotte Redevelopment Redevelopment Commission records, 1958-1985. Housed at UNCC Special Collections
Charlotte Transit Mall Collection, UNCC (Mss 116/ Special Collections, J. Murrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.)
Harvey B. Gantt Papers, UNCC (Mss 31/ Special Collections, J. Murrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.)
*North Carolina Fund Records,UNCC (Mss 25/ Special Collections, J. Murrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.)
*North Carolina Fund. “Records, 1962-1971” (1962) UNC-Chapel Hill (4710 Research, Planning, and Program development)
*North Carolina Fund. “Records, 1962-1971 (Charlotte Area Fund)” (1962,UNC-Chapel Hill (4710 comm act progs)
*Stanford Raynold Brookshire papers, UNCC (Mss 41/ Special Collections, J. Murrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.)
Survey and research report on the Mecklenburg Investment Company Building, 1981 Dec. 2, UNCC (Manuscript 77 M434/ Special Collections, J. Murrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.)